Monday, November 20, 2017

Topic#5 (Narrative) Paratactical Incongruencies

Topic #5 Comic Poetry form

Discuss one work from the examples in the Rothman essay, or from the links above (please post the image you're discussing on your blog)--describe what you think it's about, why you like it, and what you think is the most intriguing or best aspect of the work. 

The first panel in about a guy that is clearly involved with a women. He is self-absorbed and loves himself. We see him moving closer to the mirror and embracing his reflection. At some point when the women enters the panel she sees this and isn’t happy about his actions that I assume have been reflective within the relationship. She throws rocks at the mirror and his reflection which is a symbol for criticism. This also shown in the Holy Bible when someone was rejected or outed for something they do wrong. When she throws rocks at the mirror it also breaks the man into tiny pieces. This represents the fact that this was an embodiment of the man’s being; he only cared about himself. This doesn’t mean the women didn’t love him. She is actually shown picking up his pieces, and then follows two other women which are doing the same thing. Then the crazy part about the next part is that all of the women place the specific pieces they collected of this man in a specific way that is pleasing enough for them to decorate their ‘house’ with. This is almost like romanticizing about the fragments of the man that you always will remember and love, regardless of why you broke his presence in your life to pieces. DEEP stuff is this seemingly simple comic poetry. I like the limited color pallet and the way the figures are aligned in a series of images that show time. Weeks, months, year’s maybe. The best aspect of the work is the fact that the artist showed all these women in the same place that clearly don’t know each other or have any interest in communicating or conflicting, but they have one things in common, all those man fragments.

Topic #5 Intro to Narrative// In-Class-assignment

Topic #4 Landscapes In-Depth Assignment

I wanted to create my first hanging work. This whole process took a lot of trial and error. I took six large panels of acetate and spray painted them. I chose this material so that light would shine through my marks. Than I sewed all the panels together with a thin thread. That is when I went in with organic forms which I hand-painted with acrylic paint. I wanted the viewer to experience a nostalgic blissful feeling when going under the work and touching it. I intended for all our humanistic senses to be activated when viewing this work. The one issue I had with this work was that I wanted a structural component to the work which wasn't very necessary (I found out by the end of my investigation). During my investigation I hot-glued dowels to the acetate. This created tension. So for my final part of the process I will take the dowels out and have the work more free-hanging. This took a lot of time, but it felt like no time at all because of how early I started. Some parts were unresolved, but I learned in the end. I can't wait to go back into it!

Topic #4 In-Class Exercises

Ten of my peers and I came together and depicted order. We realized that a lot of the attention would be towards the strongest amount of context which in our case was the book on John F. Kennedy. At this point we changed what our order was about completely. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the final product. But we ended up cutting out the head of Kennedy and creating a shrine. Where we became members of an organized cult. We then used all of our members to incorporate a performance aspect to the work. We used a student as a "pure sacrifice" to bless our leader. On the students' back it said "I am Kennedy". The whole process was very detailed and we realized that we didn't need as many components as we intended. Regardless, we learned and had an interesting experience.  

Topic #4 Small Works #3- Calvino Cities (Clarice)

Topic #4 Pinecrest Gardens Visit!

Fun and rainy day! 

Topic #4 Small Work # 1- Landscape

This work was based off of an investigation of everything that I saw during my time observing at Merrie Christmas Park. During my time I was immersed in beautiful organic forms from nature. I paid attention to so much detail to the point where it was overwhelming. I wanted to bring out that detail and texture in this work because it was very prominent to me and my experience. The is also a sense of man-made structure and industrialization that I depicted in this work. During my time there was a fight for my attention. While being in pure bliss and greenery, I was also right next to a busy street with endless traffic, terrible smells from trucks, honking and just loud people. That kind of turned this (what could have been colorful and fluffy) work to a darker side of nature.     

Topic #4 Small work #1- Street or Garden