Ornament is an art form.
Many people define it as a way of decorating something, which yes that is an
aspect of it. Ornament is not defined as whatever object it may be on. It is
another complex system on its own that lends to other art objects and works.
There is an extensive development process as well as acceptable uses for
specific designs. You can’t just slap any ornament on something and expect it
to be a successful use of décor. There is logic, pattern, rhythm, and
mathematics that are involved. As a designer of such things, planning is highly
important. It is communication with symbols alone. The way that the work
becomes authentic is when it is not the overused form of symbolism. Within art
Nouveau works for example, there are beautiful uses or ornament and pattern
that give the viewer a sense of tone within the work. The way that shapes look
translate differently depending on what they are. Whether they are rounded or
more angular to say the least.
Within this article,
Ivins’ spoke about the relationship and differences between designers and
crafts persons. Both are great in their own way. But one is even more skilled because
they are the backbone/ basis of the craft. Craftsman can produce the work. But
not all craftsman have the natural eye and education for the design. The
Designers are the ones creating the original designs and symbols which puts
them at a higher level. Originality needs to be spoken for, because some people
are misinformed and believe that ideas are just coming to artist from within
themselves, but this is not fully the case. In order to create something
original we need to see something else, possibly from a fellow artist. We can
then work towards something more authentic and personal. But in some sense the work
circulates, so nothing is completely original. Unlike a designer, the crafts
person’s job at the bare minimum is to produce a design. They are the ones that
can more openly copy a design. They are not claiming that it is their original
design. Everyone would call bluff. They are in the world of multiples and mass
production. It is all a system and we need both. Technology as evolved and so
has the ornamental art world.
-Alicia Betancourt
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